Saturday, September 09, 2006

10 Reasons Why Adoption is better than Pregnancy

Don't fret if you are following the path of adoption after the road of infertility; here are 10 reasons I have come up with that adoption is better than pregnancy - feel free to comment on your reasons!

Here it goes.....
10. No morning sickness
9. No stretch marks
8. No one can give you a hard time for not breast feeding
7. No need to spend all that money on maternity clothes only to wear them for a few months
6. No weight gain (that is as long as you don't sit around eating chocolate & moping about the long wait - stay active!)
5. My daughter won't have my family thighs! (insert your family curse here)
4. No need for a tummy tuck when it's over
3. You don't have to stop drinking - have a beer!
2. Your shoes still fit
and best of all...
1. You will still get the child God made for you!!


Lisa said...

I love it!! Although I have bio boys this time the strech marks won't get worse and I will still get the child that I was meant to have!!!!

Kelly and Matt said...

Kelly you are absolutely right on all 10!

Jen & Bill said...

More Reasons to Adopt rather Infertility Treatments:

5. No More Infertility Drugs

4. No More Unconfortable Legs in Stirrups every month

3. No More mood swings -- see # 5. ah but in my case, mood swings are still there

2. No more dr. appt's.

1. No more timed sex.