Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful as can be

This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for. First and foremost is thanks to God for our son Zane. How could we possibly have known this time last year that he would be in our lives this Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the choices his birthmother made; for the support she was given. I am thankful for my husband; for his love and friendship. It was a long and difficult journey to become parents and we were together in our journey every step of the way. Thankful for our families and their endless support for us. We are so very blessed and we give great Thanks!


Anonymous said...

He is absolutely beautiful!!! Glad you had a fantastic holiday!

(my blog is in transition. I'll let you know when I've landed in my new "home")

Unknown said...

How blessed you are!

Ruth said...

He is beautiful!! I am so happy for you. What an awesome blessing!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I am thankful that you put Zane in that cute outfit so I could admire him....LOL! He's such a cutie!

What a great Thanksgiving post!

Lisa said...

What a gorgous little guy you have there! Love your post!

Melinda said...

Zane is so beautiful! What an amazing blessing!

adele and dan said...

He is a little cutie!! You are so so blessed!!