Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Heart for China

Great news! Two days after JinMei went home, Matthew (the translator) was contacted about another little girl named Xianbei ("Che-in-bay" - on the right) who also needs heart surgery. Well we received word yesterday that the medical group that did JinMei's surgery, Patrons of the Hearts, has agreed to take on Xianbei's surgery! We have A LOT of work to do because they have her slated for a September surgery. We are also working on turning our group "A Heart for China" into a real incorporated 501(c)(3) charity! How amazing! So keep our charity (and Xianbei of course) in your prayers that we will continue to grow and find ways to do this kind of work! Who knew God had this work lined up for me - He is awesome!


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful, Kelly! I wish you ALL the best as you get this charity off the ground! God is good, indeed!

Janet T.

E. said...

I'm so happy to hear POTH will perform her surgery! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!!!

Unknown said...

Keeping this in my prayers and following the journey.

Rina, John & Annalisa said...

how can I help?
