- Just within the last month she has started putting two words together which is very exciting. And she knows it's good and a new skill because she is so happy when she accomplishes saying two meaningful words together.
- She is such a girl. She loves shoes, purses, her earrings and pretending to talk on her toy cell phone. She dotes on her dolls, pushes them around in doll strollers, and loves to see babies...and dogs.
- Few things upset her, like if I don't understand what she is trying to say. That frustrates her and I feel so badly.
- She is a bit of a daredevil but doesn't like the swing.
- She is a great imitator, especially of her brother. She will do anything that he does.
I can't put in words the joy she brings to me everyday. She is such sunshine. She is so happy, sometimes she laughs just to laugh. And there is no way I can imagine my life without her.
I love her so much, I am so thankful that she is happy and that I can give her a life with a family that will love her forever. "It was worth the wait" is so cliche but it is so true. She was worth every tear, every painful day that we waited. I tell Zane that he is my dream come true and I tell Mia Jade she is the answer to my prayers. I am so blessed. Happy Gotcha Day my sunshine! I love you baby girl!